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  • Uber 1L F-D-S

    Uber 1L F-D-S

    Uber F-D-s 1L Foliar Delivery System is a wetting agent that allows for greater uptake of any foliar sprays that have been applied to the leaves .

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  • Uber Recover 5L

    Uber Recover 4L

    Uber Recover 5L is a product that brings back vitality to flowers that have had a PGR applied to them .It will increase oil and terpene production as well as adding extra weight and flower mass to your crop .This is Ubers stand out product and a market...

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  • Uber Recover 1l

    Uber Recover 1l

    Uber recover 1L is a product that brings back vitality to flowers that have had a PGR applied to them .It will increase oil and terpene production as well as adding extra weight and flower mass to your crop .This is Ubers stand out product and a market...

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